FAQ about Products


  • I purchased TR-3 with Size L. I want to know how to adjust the size slightly.
    What pads used depends on what part to be adjusted. If wishing to adjust the head circumference, please adjust the center pad, if wishing that for around cheeks, please adjust the cheek pads. If both parts, please adjust both types of pads.

    About the change of Center Pad
    As to TR-3 with Size L, Center Pad with L13 Soft is equipped as standard. If wishing to change Center Pad, Size L13 for Size L or L9 for Size XL is available. If wishing to make the head circumference loose, please select either L9 Soft or L9 Hard which are thinner than L13 Soft. On the other hand, if wishing to make the head circumference tight, please select L13 Hard which is the same thickness as L13 Soft.

    About the change of Cheek Pads
    As to TR-3 with Size L, Cheek Pads with 43mm Soft is equipped as standard and they are compatible with all sizes. If wishing to make cheeks loose, please select 39mm Soft or 39mm Hard which are thinner than 43mm Soft. On the other hand, if wishing to make cheeks tight, please select 43mm Hard which is the same thickness as 43mm Soft or thicker size which is 47mm Soft or 47mm Hard.

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